
Welcome to MJThompson’s Theology  Blog! This is just an introductory post, so I’ll keep it short and simple.

I decided to start a theology blog because as an ordained Christian minister, theologian, and counselor I recognize the need to offer the benefits of systematic theology to those who have not had the time, education, and personal experience to fully research Scripture and related history to arrive at a qualified and unbiased comprehension of related doctrines and practices related to faith.

My intent is to offer the results of my personal years of research in a non-denominational manner, to hopefully encourage others to approach their personal study in similar fashion, free from preconceptions that former indoctrination into a particular dogma likely influences. I desire to challenge every reader to investigate Scripture for themselves, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance, rather than remaining content to merely assume that what they have been taught is consistent with a proper interpretation of Scripture. I do NOT intend to declare WHAT one should believe, but HOW to discover for themselves all truth that the Scriptures actually reveal.

The following verses are the foundation of my sincere motivation:

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth – 2Tim. 2:15.

ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works – 2Tim. 3:16-17.

Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me [Jesus] – Jn. 5:39.

Beginning at Moses and ALL the prophets, He [Jesus] expounded unto them in ALL the scriptures the things concerning Himself – Lk. 24:27.

I plan to be posting original articles which represent my personal research and experience about the major doctrines of Christianity and the proper method of a systematic approach to an interpretation of related Scripture. My personal conviction regarding biblical Christianity is that it is too often wrongly perceived as merely a religion rather than a true revelation of Almighty God. I hope to communicate the value and necessity of establishing an eternal right relationship with God through the completed earthly mission of Jesus Christ and the present residency of the Holy Spirit in the lives of all true (born again) believers as accurately revealed by God in His written Word – the Holy Bible.

Obviously, this will require the Holy Spirit’s anointing, in-depth explanations, careful definitions of terminology,  and a desire on the part of the reader to willingly forsake doctrinal biases, so as to ultimately be delivered from illegitimate belief systems (false doctrines) to enjoy a proper understanding of the Scriptures

Again, my sincere intent is NOT to persuade anyone to agree with my conclusions, but to rather challenge them to conduct their own further research. Since ALL the topics presented here are related to Scripture and  perceptions of popular doctrines, these should be prayerfully considered with an open heart and submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Scripture alludes to the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit as the “Spirit of Truth”, who shall guide true believers into ALL truth, thereby fulfilling Christ’s promise,

“You shall know the truth,  and the truth shall make you free– Jn. 8:32.

Please understand that these topics have been debated in theological circles for centuries. It is quite unlikely that my posts will resolve the universal controversy. But hopefully individual readers may gain valuable insights that can remedy formerly unanswered personal questions and replace doubt and confusion with faith and conviction.

If you are not familiar with WordPress Blogs, the available format can be somewhat frustrating. The Right-Hand Column lists RECENT POSTS in order by the date of submission. Unfortunately, this is NOT an exhaustive list of ALL posts, and it is NOT in alphabetical order.

If you were directed to this site in reference to a specific post and it is NOT listed under RECENT POSTS,  please visit the page – ARTICLES: Table of Contents  which lists ALL titles in alphabetical order. For your convenience a simple CLICK on each Title will open the corresponding page. To access the articles, click the MENU TAB above, or CLICK HERE>>>ARTICLES: Table of Contents

Thank you for your interest. If you have any questions or would like to have me address a specific topic, please utilize the COMMENTS BOX below and under each post. I will reply to ALL inquiries.

I sincerely hope that that the information posted here will be at the very least thought provoking, but better still,  it will be used by God to lead you into a fuller understanding of scripture and ultimately a deeper personal experience and right relationship with Him through the constantly abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.

May God Truly Bless You Always,


mjt 2023

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